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All-cause mortality

& alcohol

January 2023

All-cause mortality

Health and cancer risks associated with low levels of alcohol consumption

December 2022

All-cause mortality
J-shaped curve

Are U-shaped relationships between risk factors and outcomes artifactual?

December 2022

All-cause mortality
J-shaped curve

Is drinking wine in moderation good for health or not?

December 2022

All-cause mortality

Longitudinal trajectories of alcohol consumption with all-cause mortality, hypertension, and blood pressure change

October 2022

All-cause mortality
Moderate drinking

A healthy lifestyle may help former smokers lower their risk of death from all causes

August 2022

All-cause mortality

The association of alcohol consumption with diet and cardiometabolic risk

May 2022

All-cause mortality
Moderate drinking

Alcohol and health outcomes: An umbrella review of meta-analyses base on prospective cohort studies

May 2022

All-cause mortality

Alcohol consumption as a predictor of mortality and life expectancy in older Chinese males

March 2022

All-cause mortality

Association of alcohol types, coffee and tea intake with mortality

December 2021

All-cause mortality

Alcohol consumption in relation to cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality in an elderly male Chinese

December 2021

All-cause mortality

Association of a healthy lifestyle with all-cause and cause-specific mortality among individuals with type 2 diabetes

December 2021

All-cause mortality
Metabolic syndrome/weight

Combined effects of alcohol use and weight status on adult mortality risk

November 2021

All-cause mortality

Study of 18000+ US and Australian older people reveals moderate drinking protective against heart disease, more than for teetotallers

October 2021

All-cause mortality
Gut health

Red wine high-molecular-weight polyphenolic complex: an emerging modulator of human metabolic disease risk and gut microbiota

July 2021

All-cause mortality

Alcohol intake and total mortality in 142,960 individuals from the MORGAM project

May 2021

All-cause mortality

Associations of dietary and lifestyle oxidative balance scores with mortality risk among older women

March 2021

All-cause mortality

Alcohol consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and mortality

November 2020

All-cause mortality
Mediterranean diet

Wine intake in the framework of a Mediterranean Diet and chronic noncommunicable diseases

August 2020

All-cause mortality
Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet, alcohol-drinking pattern and their combined effect on all-cause mortality

June 2020

All-cause mortality

Lifestyle behaviour in the Seguimiento Universidad De Navarra (SUN) Cohort linked to total mortality

March 2020

All-cause mortality

Trends in alcohol consumption in relation to cause-specific and all-cause mortality in the US and effectiveness of US Dietary Guidelines for Americans

January 2020

All-cause mortality
General health

Does type of alcohol or drinking pattern explain greater adverse effects of alcohol consumption among lower socio-economic subjects?

September 2019

All-cause mortality
Moderate drinking

Does moderate drinking of alcohol in later life reduce the risk of mortality?

August 2019

All-cause mortality

Alcohol consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and mortality

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Drinking & You
A global portal providing advice about responsible alcohol consumption, individual country government guidelines and your health.
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International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research logo
International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research
The International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research (ISFAR) is a group of 45 specialist Professors and Medics who produce balanced and well researched analysis of emerging research papers alcohol and health.
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