AIM Digest is a journal published 10 times a year and brings together the most recent global research concerning alcohol and health, moderate drinking, campaigns and social and policy issues regarding alcohol. The key articles are then archived by topic below post publication. Synopsis as well as position papers and critiques by specialist Professors and Medics since 2011 can be found by topic.

Featured articles


Smoking, alcohol consumption, and cancer: A mendelian randomisation study in UK Biobank and international genetic consortia participants

Breast cancer
Breast cancer

A Mendelian randomization study of alcohol consumption and the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer reveals no significant associations

General health

Are there health risks from amounts of alcohol referred to as being within “low-risk drinking” guidelines?


Alcohol drinking and bladder cancer risk from a pooled analysis of ten cohort studies in Japan

General health
Old age

Healthy behaviours at age 50 years and frailty at older ages in a 20-year follow-up of the UK Whitehall II cohort


Light alcohol drinking and the risk of cancer development: a controversial relationship

Old age

Alcohol consumption and health in ageing

Metabolic syndrome/weight

Long-term low-dose ethanol intake improves healthspan and resists high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice


The effect of alcohol on blood pressure


Changes in excessive alcohol use among older women across the menopausal transition

Cardiovascular disease

The effect of smoking on the association between long-term alcohol consumption and dyslipidemia in a middle-aged and older population

The kidneys

Alcohol drinking reduces the risk of chronic kidney damage: A meta‐analysis of 15 prospective cohort studies

All-cause mortality
Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet, alcohol-drinking pattern and their combined effect on all-cause mortality

Prostate cancer

Alcohol consumption and the risk of prostate cancer

The brain

Association of low to moderate alcohol drinking with cognitive functions from middle to older age among US adults 

Cognitive decline
Old age

Four in 10 dementia cases could be prevented or delayed

Drinking & You logo
Drinking & You
A global portal providing advice about responsible alcohol consumption, individual country government guidelines and your health.
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International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research logo
International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research
The International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research (ISFAR) is a group of 45 specialist Professors and Medics who produce balanced and well researched analysis of emerging research papers alcohol and health.
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