Evaluation of anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet and anti-oxidant activity of wine extracts prepared from ten different grape varieties
The authors of a study published in the journal Molecules state that inflammation, thrombosis and oxidative stress are rarely studied together when wine’s biological activity is concerned; hence the existing literature lacks a holistic point of view in the biological outcome. Their research evaluated the effect of wine extracts on those mechanisms. Ten wine varieties and two different extraction methods were used leading to five extracts for each wine: total lipids (TL) and fractions with different phenolic compound classes (FI, FII, FIII and FIV). Their effect on oxidative stress, platelet aggregation and the secretion of cytokines from mononuclear cells was measured and a biological score was calculated. FII of white wines is the most potent extract followed by FIII and TL. Specifically, FII had higher anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory score while all three fractions had a similar anti-platelet score. FII and FIII extracts were the most potent red wine extracts and revealed the highest anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory scores. White wine FII extracts were more potent than the red wine ones while FI and FIV extracts of red wine were more potent than the white wine ones. This research confirms the protective effect of a wine is independent of its colour but is strongly associated with its microconstituents profile. FII extract revealed the highest biological score and further examination is needed in order to identify the compounds that are responsible for the aforementioned actions. Source: Fragopoulou E, Petsini F, Choleva M, Detopoulou M, S Arvaniti O, Kallinikou E, Sakantani E, Tsolou A, Nomikos T, Samaras Y. Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Platelet and Anti-Oxidant Activity of Wine Extracts Prepared from Ten Different Grape Varieties. Molecules. 2020 Oct 30;25(21):E5054.
International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research
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