Associations between a protective lifestyle behaviour score and biomarkers of chronic low-grade inflammation
Certain lifestyle behaviours may have a protective effect against low-grade systemic inflammation, which is linked to chronic disease. Researchers examined associations between a five-component protective lifestyle behaviour (PLB) score and a range of pro-inflammatory cytokines, adipocytokines, acute-phase response proteins, coagulation factors and white blood cells. The cross-sectional study included 2,045 middle-to-older aged men and women. Low-risk behaviours included never smoking, moderate alcohol intake, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, a high-quality diet (upper 40% Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension score) and a normal body mass index (BMI) (18.5-24.9 kg/m2). Linear and logistic regression analyses tested individual protective behaviour and PLB score associations with biomarkers. Analysis of individual low-risk behaviours revealed varied associations depending on the biomarker, with normal BMI showing the most consistent associations. Examination of the protective lifestyle behaviour score showed that compared to subjects with 4-5 protective behaviours, those with 0-1 protective behaviours had 1.4-3.8 increased odds of having a less favourable inflammatory profile. Following adjustment for BMI, significant trend relationships were observed between the number of protective behaviours and complement component 3 c-reactive protein interleukin 6 tumour necrosis factor alpha and white blood cell count concentrations. These results suggest a cumulative protective effect of healthy lifestyle behaviours against systemic inflammation in middle-to-older aged adults which is independent of having a healthy body weight. Source: Millar, S.R., Harrington, J.M., Perry, I.J. et al. Associations between a protective lifestyle behaviour score and biomarkers of chronic low-grade inflammation: a cross-sectional analysis in middle-to-older aged adults. Int J Obes (2021).
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